Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Review: Ever After

Title: Ever After

Author: Kim Harrison

Rating: 5 stars

The Blurb:
The ever-after, the demonic realm that parallels our own, is shrinking, and if it disappears, so does all magic. It's up to witch-turned-daywalking-demon Rachel Morgan to fix the ever-after before the fragile balance between magic users and humans falls apart.
Of course, there's also the small fact that Rachel is the one who caused the ley line to rip in the first place, and her life is forfeit unless she can fix it. Not to mention the most powerful demon in the ever-after—the soul-eater Ku'Sox Sha-Ku'ru—has vowed to destroy her, and has kidnapped her friend and her goddaughter as leverage. If Rachel doesn't give herself up, they will die.

The Review:
Kim Harrison is without a doubt in my top five of favorite authors. Ever After is the eleventh book in the Hollows series by Kim Harrison and I have loved every single one of them. If you're reading this review and you haven't read any Kim Harrison books then my advice to you is to get out and go get the first in the series. I can guarantee you will have to read the next ten because it is so good. In Ever After Rachel Morgan (the heroine of the story) has to fix a ley line that is causing the destruction of the ever after (the demon realm). The only problem is Ku'Sox a crazy evil demon is doing his best to make sure she doesn't fix it. Ku'Sox kidnaps Rachel's godchild Lucy and Rachel's elf friend Ceri so now Rachel has to work with another elf, Trent Kalamack Lucy's father and Rachel's onetime enemy who is now her friend (and maybe more). 

 Ever After was great. It had everything; action, adventure, snarky comments, witty banter,and of course some romance. Rachel Morgan has matured so much since the beginning of the series, but don't worry she is still a bad ass in leather who gets things done. I was so happy that there was a lot of Trent and Rachel in this book seeing as I absolutely love them together. There was also a lot of Jenks  (the smart mouthed pixy) which always makes me happy as he is my favorite character. I loved the teamwork involved in trying to defeat and outsmart Ku'Sox. there was a moment in this book when Rachel, Trent, and Al (Rachel's demon mentor) are working together and that was so amazing one; because of the longtime feud between demons and elves, and two; because Al and Trent are both awesome characters who don't spend nearly enough time around each other. 

One of the things I love about Kim Harrison is that she isn't afraid to kill her characters and that makes reading her books all the more exciting. Yes I'm still upset that she killed Kisten in For a Few Demons More (Why Kim!? WHY DID KISTEN HAVE TO DIE!?) and I'm still sad about the death of Matalina in Black Magic Sanction but I understand why she did it and I respect her for it. In Ever After things haven't changed. In a surprise twist Ceri and Pierce are dead. (Why Kim!? Not Ceri! I feel bad saying that I'm glad pierce is dead, but I am). I know I shouldn't be surprised but I really loved Ceri's character, and Quen loved her so much! Anyway kudos to you Kim Harrison for making me care so much about these characters that I actually cry when they die, that is truly a mark of an amazing author.
End Spoilers

I didn't want to give too much away as this is such a new book so this is all I'm going to say for the moment. I just want to say thank you Kim Harrison for writing some of the most amazing characters I've ever known. I know this series will soon come to an end and I can honestly say I will be so sad when that day comes and I will miss these characters so much.

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